Finding support through community.

is to increase awareness of hereditary breast and gynecological cancer and provide pers
Our Mission
Our mission is to create awareness of hereditary breast and gynecological cancer and provide personalized support to individuals at high risk.
Have questions about genetic testing or need to get connected with a genetic counsleor?
Information and Support
Since 2016
Support Care Packages
Our care packages, thoughtfully curated by women who have undergone breast or GYN surgery, contain over 30 essential items for post-surgery care.
Medical Journals
Our medical treatment planners are the perfect way to stay organized during treatment. With space to document medications, side effects or doctors notes the functionality and planning helps to reduce stress.
Community Members
Our peer support community connects virtually and in person, offering compassion and understanding from those with similar experiences.
Post-Surgical Meals
After a prophyactic or diagnostic surgery, we want to releive some burden by offering a post surgical meal. This light but substantial meal provides comfort and support to assist with recovery.

Staci H.
"NothingPink has been a source of support, encouragement, and comfort during a difficult season of life. Seeing the courage of these ladies gives me courage. It is a blessing to have a group of women who face their challenges with so much grace and love. "